Installing media players in Fedora 23

There are various audio and video players available. Here I will be listing few.

Audacious Audio Player:

Install Audacious Audio Player:

sudo dnf install audacious

Install plugins: Note that before installing plugin, install and enable RPMFusion repositories as mentioned in my post, Adding media codecs in Fedora 23

sudo dnf install audacious-plugins-freeworld

VLC Video Player:

sudo dnf install vlc

Adding media codecs in Fedora 23

If you are facing issue with playing media files, it is because you do not have media codecs in you machine. You need to perform following 2 steps:

Install and enable RPMFusion Repos:
Following is the command to install and enable RPMFusion repos:

su -c ‘dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm’

Install Media Codecs:
Following is the command to install media codecs:

sudo dnf install gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer-plugins-bad-nonfree gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-ffmpeg gstreamer1-libav gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free-extras gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld gstreamer1-plugins-base-tools gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-base gstreamer1

